Wasan Hassan builds strong relationships and helps families overcome obstacles
My name is Wasan, I am a pharmacist from Iraq. I arrived to the US with my husband and 4 kids in 2010. I always had the passion to help others especially those in need. Due to the very elongated and complicated process to transfer my transcripts and work as a pharmacist in the US, I thought of a different path to help the community and earn an income to help support my family, so I became a certified medical and social Arabic interpreter and I have been interpreting for the past 10 years.
I joined the ZONE in February 2020 as a Census cultural connector to educate the Arabic speaking community about the Census. Then the pandemic started, and my role shifted to a community educator and family advocate helping more than 40 families around the ZONE area.
I enjoy working with the ZONE team as they are all caring and supportive to the community and assisted the families with all the challenges and obstacles during this unprecedented time.
They provided hundreds of food boxes, masks, hygiene and cleaning supplies, diapers, gift cards and voucher so families can get their own needs from the international store in the ZONE. In addition to connecting families to valuable resources like SNAP energy assistance and rental assistance.
The ZONE continues to provide families with all the support during this difficult time.
I am so happy and grateful to be part of this wonderful team.